by bulbnest | Sep 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
Thanks to Anything 4 Home for this post! Guest blog from Anything 4 Home Spring cleaning isn’t just reserved for the spring – and while tackling the whole house in one go can feel overwhelming, taking it one room at a time means that, once it is done, you’ll be bulbnest | Oct 14, 2019 | News, RECENT, Uncategorized
Your home office is your dedicated haven for productivity, deep thought, and a mug full of that wonderful coffee that you always crave. Working at home can be both fun and convenient, or completely destructive and disorganized. A lot of it depends on your bulbnest | Oct 1, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
Did you miss us last time on HomeTalk? Well, you’re in luck! bulbNEST will once again join Michael King, also known as the Cajun Contractor, on the nation’s most listened to home improvement radio show. Find out what it’s like to invent and manufacture a product, bulbnest | May 24, 2019 | RECENT, Uncategorized
Ever wonder how people come up with the newest thing? It’s not easy creating a new home product, but you can find out how it’s done right from the inventor themselves! Join bulbNEST founder and creator, Wendy Lemke, on Home Talk USA, the nation’ bulbnest | May 2, 2018 | News, RECENT, Uncategorized
Get The New Version of bulbNEST for Only $8.99! We are so excited to introduce you all to a new iteration of the bulbNEST – the bulbNEST® DIY! Just like the Classic bulbNEST, it’s a bright and elegant box specially fitted to securely ‘nest’ bulbnest | Jan 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Organization is the first step to productivity. Although we might know people who are able to function in chaos and disorder, the majority of us need some sense of order. You may have a New Year’s resolution to keep your workspace, home, car, etc. tidy and neat to...