by bulbnest | Sep 6, 2023 | RECENT
Guest post by Jackie Waters of Hyper-Tidy. We’ve all been there – that overwhelming feeling of looking around our home and realizing it’s time to declutter. But fear not! Decluttering doesn’t have to be a dreaded chore. In fact, with a little...
by bulbnest | Oct 14, 2019 | News, RECENT, Uncategorized
Your home office is your dedicated haven for productivity, deep thought, and a mug full of that wonderful coffee that you always crave. Working at home can be both fun and convenient, or completely destructive and disorganized. A lot of it depends on your attitude...
by lucas | Jun 19, 2019 | organizatio, RECENT
When you think of spaces in your home to reorganize, you may immediately think of areas like your closets and bedrooms, neglecting one of the most-used spaces in your home: the kitchen. Whether you are a culinary chef or a microwave-meal cook, everyone benefits from...
by bulbnest | May 24, 2019 | RECENT, Uncategorized
Ever wonder how people come up with the newest thing? It’s not easy creating a new home product, but you can find out how it’s done right from the inventor themselves! Join bulbNEST founder and creator, Wendy Lemke, on Home Talk USA, the nation’s...
by lucas | Mar 25, 2019 | organizatio, RECENT
A beautifully organized room. This guest post was contributed by Julian Lane. Tiny homes are a growing trend for good reason. Not only are smaller homes typically less expensive to own, but owners can also get much more creative with their storage and organization....
by lucas | Dec 5, 2018 | organizatio, RECENT
Photo Credit: Unsplash It’s truly amazing how quickly our homes can fill up with miscellaneous furniture, clothing, old electronics, and papers. The sheer volume of items can be incredibly overwhelming and can leave you feeling trapped, out of control, and frustrated....