Uncle Bruce smiled when he opened my gift, but it was the awkward nod and fake smile that let me know that he had the same tie in three different colors tucked under his bed. We all struggle to discover something new and different to gift our friends and family. bulbNEST is a solution for light bulbs and gift giving. It’s a one-of-kind gift that will have the vanilla candle in cowering in its shadow.
Unique Housewarming Gift
A bulbNEST filled with shiny new light bulbs – what better way to welcome a new neighbor or say “congratulations” to a first-time home-buyer? Why show up with another tea towel or spatula? Your friends will enjoy the convenience and protection of their new gift, and you’ll rest easy knowing that their bulbs are safe and sound.
Eco-friendly Gift
Eco-friendly gifts can be expensive and hard to find. bulbNEST is an affordable light bulb storage solution that is manufactured in a Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)-certified company in the USA. Our sustainable practices reduce the carbon footprint and we use water-based inks and paper whitened without aggressive bleaching. It’s the perfect gift for the sustainable friends in your life or a great gift to encourage others to think green.
New Baby
During your first visit to see the baby hand the new parents a gift that will help them baby-proof their home. Light bulbs can easily shatter into tiny pieces and tiny particles of mercury fill the air. With bulbNEST, each light bulb is housed in its own sturdy enclosure, reducing the chances of accidental breakage and will keep their family safe from toxic fumes.
Teacher’s Pet
Instead of placing an apple on your teacher’s desk slide bulbNEST towards her while flashing your toothy grin. Teachers go home during the holidays toting the same old things – tote bags, coffee cups and stationary. bulbNEST is a unique gift that will move you ahead of the class.
For the Person Who Has Everything
They have everything including a junk drawer – you know, the box under your sink or drawer in your kitchen where you store old batteries, paperclips, and spent light bulbs? When you’ve run out of every gift idea for your grandparents, gift them bulbNEST, a storage solution that will move each of those pesky junk drawer bulbs into a perfectly-sized space of its own.
Whatever the occasion be rest assured that you will never gift just the old same thing. Let us know in the comments if you’ve discovered a unique occasion to gift bulbNEST and shop here if you’re ready to tie a bow around your next gift: https://www.bulbnest.com/shop/ or at Amazon.com.